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​PowerSpeaking Blog: Tips and strategies for crafting presentations!

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The Art of Using a Teleprompter

How often have you seen public figures like politicians and entertainers trip over words, suffer awkward pauses, or make it obvious they’re reading a script while on camera? Yes, even seasoned speakers and presenters can bungle a talk if they’re not in sync with the words scrolling on that teleprompter screen.

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Is Your Audience Listening?

Here’s the scene: Eight business people sitting around a conference room table. Half of them are heads down, checking their smart phones. One is flipping through paperwork, and another is doodling. A couple of them are talking to each other. And there you are, standing at the head of the table, halfway through your presentation. Ouch.

Capturing and holding people’s attention is a science and an art form that can be learned. Read on for our best tips. . .

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Six Ways Extroverts (and Anyone) Speak with Influence

Last time we reviewed how introverts could become more effective in times of stress. For an introvert, stressful communication can happen anytime - whether in a social setting or workplace interaction. Verbalizing can trigger a fear of judgement because their brain takes more steps to process incoming information. For an extrovert stimulation is processed straight-forward and can be immediately received. This means any formal or social interaction can be rewarding and fun. In communication extroverted speakers often employ the following habits that make them engaging and influential. Whether you are a natural introvert, extrovert or something in-between, practicing these 6 steps will help anyone become an influential communicator.
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Tough Questions: Tips for Dealing with Difficult Audiences

If you are feeling apprehensive about public speaking or presenting, typically at the root of the anxiety is fear of embarrassing yourself. With careful preparation and focus on delivery, it can be easy to avoid embarrassment in a monologue style presentation. But what about when you open up the floor for questions and comments?

Audiences can be tricky: Even if they're your peers, co-workers, or experts in a certain field, everyone has their own agenda and emotional logic. By giving a presentation and soliciting feedback, you are inviting a variety of different personalities to listen and comment on your work. Audience member responses can range from boredom to outright hostility for reasons that may be unclear to you. To conquer a difficult audience, follow these tips:


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Hook, Line, and Sinker: Grabbing Audience Attention with a Great Opening

One of the things that can trip up some subject matter experts who are tasked to make a presentation is their opening. Often it is the first 30 seconds to a minute that sets the tone for the remainder of your presentation — grabbing audience attention and holding it.

Your opening, whether it's a single sentence or a few lines, is where a presentation can be made or broken. It's your chance to hook them, tickling their curiosity so that you can slowly reel them in throughout the rest of your presentation. So how do you captivate an audience with your opening? Follow these tips for creating a great opening.


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Make 'em Laugh: The Use of Humor in Successful Public Speaking

Successful public speaking − whether it's a business presentation, a conference keynote or a toast at a wedding − is all about creating that resonance with your audience, that emotional spark that gets them on board with your words. To this end, there is no greater tool in your arsenal than the judicious and skillful use of humor.

When we laugh, there are no barriers between speaker and audience − not skepticism or cynicism. If someone has made you laugh, chances are you are more open to the speaker and the authority of their words. Yet just because humor is a powerful tool doesn't mean that everyone can wield it proficiently. I'm sure everyone has silently suffered through conferences where a presenter attempted to make a joke, only to elicit groans from the audience.

To make the most of humor in your next presentation, follow these tips for public speaking. 


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