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​PowerSpeaking Blog: Tips and strategies for crafting presentations!

PowerSpeaking Blog

Carrie Beckstrom

Chief Executive Officer, PowerSpeaking, Inc.

Carrie is passionate about leading the PowerSpeaking, Inc. team in helping organizations—at corporations like Genentech, eBay, Autodesk, and Gilead Sciences—develop powerful communication skills that inspire people and get results. “Our purpose is to make great people even greater at what they do every day. That includes becoming effective global communicators who build positive relationships and drive business forward.”

Prior to joining PowerSpeaking, Carrie enjoyed more than 30 years’ experience in the learning and development industry, where she led award-winning teams.
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Delivery Style

PowerSpeaking’s Sarah Palmer, Director of Business Development, EMEA, lights up an audience at the Women in Tech World Series conference in London. (1)

Decades ago, I worked with an incredibly articulate executive who was always cool and composed when he presented. He had a tendency, however, to click his heels periodically while talking. 

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Fear of Public Speaking/Presenting


by Carrie Beckstrom, Chief Executive Officer, PowerSpeaking, Inc.

Last year I had the privilege of introducing a number of speakers at the Women in Tech World Series conferences. All the speakers were powerful. When it comes to courage, however, there was one woman who stood out above all the rest.

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Want to Make a Difference? Elevate Your Communication Skills


I’ve said over and over throughout my career that improving your communication skills is a lifetime journey. You can never refine them too much.

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Learn Why and How to Use Storytelling Effectively

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I want to tell you a story about the importance of connecting as humans at the start of a meeting.

In May of 2022 our executive team gathered to talk about budgets. I was so deep in task mode when the meeting started, that I dove immediately into the topics at hand.

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Top 3 Strategies for Successful Hybrid Communication


As more Fortune 500 companies issue sweeping edicts making a return to the office mandatory, I confess, I’m surprised—and disappointed. 

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Building Your Personal Brand

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What is it that makes us decide it’s time to rethink our professional or personal goals? An unsatisfying job? A career that no longer feels “right”? A nagging sense that we’d like to contribute more to solving community—even global—issues?

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C-Level Communication

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The world is changing, and so are stakeholders’ expectations for communication from the C-suite. Today, employees, customers, and partners demand a new level of authenticity, transparency, and engagement from business leaders.

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How to Succeed at Change-Management Communication

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“Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time;
what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better."
       Sydney J. Harris, journalist and author
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Introverts: Lean Into Your Strengths to Succeed as a Communicator

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“The real power comes from a position of pride ... in who you are.  When you have that, you become more effective in job interviews, showing up at meetings, and speaking up.” 

 — on embracing your introversion, by Susan Cain, author of "QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking"

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Questioning Techniques to Make You a Better Communicator


“Focus more on learning than on succeeding. Instead of pretending that you understand something when you don’t, just raise your hand and ask a question.”  Michelle Obama


Many of us shy away from asking questions, despite how invaluable they can be in clarifying and creating understanding.

We worry that we’ll ask the wrong question and be perceived as incompetent. Or we believe we already know the answer—whether it is right or wrong.

We've all been there: wanting to ask a question but are hesitant because we don't want to appear as if we don't understand. But that's why you should ask. If you have a question, more than likely, someone else has the same one.

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