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PowerSpeaking Blog

Women, Find Your Power Through Confident Communication [10 Top Tips]

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When asked what advice she would give professional women, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright replied, “Learn to interrupt.” Sound rude? Think again. Albright learned the hard way that you won’t get anywhere if you don’t speak up. Unfortunately, a lot of women in the workplace still make the mistake of not joining the conversation, and not making their voices heard.

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How to Present to Senior Executives [23 Proven Strategies]

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If you’re preparing to make a pitch to senior executives, you can throw most of what you’ve learned about making presentations in the trash.

Why? Because this is an entirely different audience.

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3 Top Tips to Engage Your Virtual Audience

Have you been getting too many blank stares, awkward silences, and people multitasking during your virtual presentations or meetings?

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4 Tips for Transformational Listening

If ever there were a time when we could all benefit from a master class in listening skills, this is it. Our worlds—work, home, the globe—become better places when we listen to each other wholly and deeply.

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The Human Side of Success

It’s a new day, a new year, and I’m wondering, where do you want your career journey to take you? I ask not so much with your “technical” skills in mind, but rather, your human skills.

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Zoom Fatigue Got You Down?

Who would have ever thought we’d long to sit at a conference table and meet with colleagues in person five times a day again? Zoom fatigue is real, but fortunately, we’ve got some comic relief and tips to re-engergize.

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Courageous Women, Powerful Speeches

As women continue to be more prominent on the world stage, we find powerful lessons in their inspirational speeches. PowerSpeaking, Inc. CEO Carrie Beckstrom introduces three women who demonstrate how to move an audience and have an impact.

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Yes, Your Voice Matters

The sound of your voice and the feeling you convey with it have a huge impact on your audience.  Listen to PowerSpeaking, Inc. Marketing Strategist and voice coach Donnie Hill talk about how you can overcome two common voice mistakes:   delivering in a monotone and using “up talk.”


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Q&A Sessions: Your Chance to Shine

How you handle a question-and-answer session during or after a presentation can boost your credibility and reinforce your message—or not.  We have techniques to help.

Listen to Master Facilitator Sarah Palmer talk about two common mistakes presenters make when trying to address questions:


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Does Your Voice Tell a Good Story?

Think of a storyteller who had you on the edge of your seat.  Now, consider why that person was so engaging.  Yes, the story itself was probably interesting, but likely, he or she made the story come alive in the telling, with a captivating voice.

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