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Want to Stand Out on the Conference Scene? Learn from the Best

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On day one of the 2023 European Women in Tech Conference, Janet Maldonado, Head of Engineering, Boehringer Ingelheim, stepped onto the stage to deliver her talk, “Disrupt or Be Disrupted: Embracing Change to Thrive in the New Frontiers of Technology.”

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Want to Make a Difference? Elevate Your Communication Skills


I’ve said over and over throughout my career that improving your communication skills is a lifetime journey. You can never refine them too much.

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How to Communicate Your Value: Strategies for Women

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Because women are still fighting the headwinds of workplace inequality—and often, their own self-limiting behaviors—learning to recognize and communicate their value is crucial if they want to grow and advance.

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Learn Why and How to Use Storytelling Effectively

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I want to tell you a story about the importance of connecting as humans at the start of a meeting.

In May of 2022 our executive team gathered to talk about budgets. I was so deep in task mode when the meeting started, that I dove immediately into the topics at hand.

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Top 3 Strategies for Successful Hybrid Communication


As more Fortune 500 companies issue sweeping edicts making a return to the office mandatory, I confess, I’m surprised—and disappointed. 

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Building Your Personal Brand

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What is it that makes us decide it’s time to rethink our professional or personal goals? An unsatisfying job? A career that no longer feels “right”? A nagging sense that we’d like to contribute more to solving community—even global—issues?

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C-Level Communication

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The world is changing, and so are stakeholders’ expectations for communication from the C-suite. Today, employees, customers, and partners demand a new level of authenticity, transparency, and engagement from business leaders.

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Cross-Cultural Communication: Be Empathetic, Be Effective - 5 Top Tips

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You’ve been asked to make a sales presentation to a potential international customer located in a country you’ve never visited. 

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How to Succeed at Change-Management Communication

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“Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time;
what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better."
       Sydney J. Harris, journalist and author
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Deliver More Powerful Technical Presentations: 8 Techniques

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Before moving into training and coaching, I was an IT Consulting Engineer for 25-plus years.  To this day, I have a left-brain bent.  But I remember the experience that changed my perspective on what makes a powerful technical communicator (hint: it involves both hemispheres).

I was watching a very senior engineer at Cisco give a technical presentation.  This engineer was so senior and well-regarded, he held a prestigious Fellow position at the high-tech company.  

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